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Four agencies are available

Agence Philippe DAURE

101 avenue jean moulin

Tél. 04 67 28 23 73

DAURE Immobilier

14b rue de la carrierette
34420 Portiragnes

Tél. +33 (0)4 67 98 04 09

DAURE Immobilier
Portiragnes Plage

7 Boulevard de la Tour de l'Orb - Place du Bicentenaire
34420 Portiragnes Plage

Tél. +33 (0)4 67 094 834

An extensive range of properties on the entire territory

Location and activity:

The agency DAURE IMMOBILIER Portiragnes specializing in transaction and annual rental

The agency DAURE IMMOBILIER Portiragnes Plage specializing in transaction and Vacation Rentals

The agency Philippe DAURE Beziers specialized in the Transaction and annual rental

Present since 1970

Real Estate Agencies DAURE offer their selection of real estate:
Houses, villas, properties, apartments, land ... goodwill ..

Looking for a holiday?
You want to build?
You want to buy an apartment, a house, a villa, a field?

We will make every effort to find the property of your dreams!

Choose DAURE agencies REAL ESTATE is guaranteed achieve your real estate project or future holiday promptly and safely.

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